Monday, 31 March 2014

Ethical fashion-is this the new trend?

What am I up to?

....I've got some exciting news!

Just recently I've started doing an online internship with a fashion brand called Little Hill people and I thought it would be great to share my ongoing experience.

Well to put it shortly I'm loving it! I'm constantly provided with so much helpful resources on how to boost my writing and how to even approach online magazines and blogs. And what's great is I get to correspond with fellow fashion brands on upcoming events which means ...yep you guessed it- fresh topics to blog about woohoo!

Why choose an internship?
Speaking as someone who has had the opportunity of doing both an apprenticeship and internship I can definetly give my views here. Now it's true what they say, one route doesn't suit all and in this circumstance I decided Uni wasn't my path. I'd gone from sitting in the classroom through my school years to being faced with an important decision...and I chose an apprenticeship. I have no regrets because its given me an in look into the world of work and shown me how tough it can be from an early stage. I'm taking the skills I've gained and embracing it, and now I'm on a mission to achieve greatness in all of my choices. 

What is Ethical fashion?

As Little Hill People are an ethical fashion brand this gets me involved with alot of research into other brands which create sustainable fashion. 

Sustainable fashion consists of economically friendly methods taken to create clothes and accessories. The type of resources and design also play a big part in sustainable fashion.  There are a wide range of ethical fashion brands which focus on delivering trendy sustainable wear through featuring tribal designs and vibrant colours.

It's really great to culture your fashion knowlegde as you never know what you might just learn. A persons fashion sense is a big give away into their ethics, and it's possible that ethical fashion is becoming the next best thing. Are designers dealing with a more Eco-friendly society? Or could ethical fashion simply be a phase for when festival season comes around. Whatever the case it's definetly high in demand and more fashion brands are embracing sustainable fashion. Green is the new black!!

Here is a list of 'go to' blogs and sites for the latest trends in sustainable fashion. Don't be shy, take a look:

For my next post I will be featuring Little Hill People, providing some brand information and their latest accessories. Be sure to check it out! 

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Fashion revolution day

Fashion is...

Fashion is the important outlet in which people showcase their style and personality in order to stand out. It allows freedom and in most cases expression of our individuality. As fashion consumers it is quite easy to get caught up in the latest trends of what's hot and what's not, but how many of us really question where our clothes actually come from?

In the less econimically developed countries around the world such as Asia, there are many artisians who stand by applying ancient weaving technqiues in order to produce our clothes and accessories. Would you know if your outfit had been hand woven or even delicately stitched with raw material?

Alot of detail and resources may have gone into creating that fine ensemble you have hanging up in your wardrobe but instead of showing our clothes the appreciation they deserve, we are constantly craving and demanding more and more. More style, more trends, more edge! This is no suprise as the media plays a big role in blowing our minds with the latest trends convincing us that the next big thing is right around the corner. We feed on these resources and take on a subconscious mind frame into believing we must have it! The latest  issues of Vogue, catwalks and celebrities, it's all set in place to captivate our society and enforce looks that we should achieve.

Our values are slowly starting to drift from the efforts injected into creating our clothes in the first place. Thread by thread we are getting intwined and losing a grip of the real importance. Its time to address the question...Who made your clothes?

Fashion revolution day

Wouldn't you be intrested in unravelling the mystery of where your beloved dress, top and other favourites originated from? It's time to show appreciation towards the makers...lets peel back a layer and journey into a world beyond the media, past the red carpet and into some of the factories located all around the world.

On April 24th last year, the unfortunate collapse of the Rana Plaza factory in Dhana left 1133 killed and a vast amount also injured. The factory was home to Bangladesh and although this was a huge disaster to hit the fashion world there are still many artisians who put themselves in danger for the fashion supply chain.This is where you come in...

This Fashion revolution day I am encouraging you to take part with your best foot forward. All you need to do is decide that you would like to show an interest to the people who made your clothes and take to social media. You can wear your favourite jumper, top or any item of your choice inside out in order to make the label visible. Then simply take a picture and using twitter post an image using the hash tags #inside out #whomademyclothes. Try and tag the brand or shop which you purchased your item from and lets try and get some attention. 

This is the good type of hype which society needs to stir up. Raising awareness can ensure we won't forget the value of fashion and will continue to support those who are behind producing our clothes. 

For more information and posters on fashion revolution day please take a look at

Thanks for reading and please spread the word.

Rhiann x