Tuesday 23 September 2014

Perception is reality

When you hear the term 'perception is reality' what does this mean to you?

Are you immediately drawn to think of your self image? Or perhaps how you might be seen by others?

Lately, I have been taking the time to really focus on self reflection. It's come to my attention that part of the reason some fail to reach their full potential is because not enough time is dedicated to truly examine our qualities. 

When we look at ourselves it always seems that we immediately think of things that we can be doing better. Dreams, things we'd like to achieve maybe even a change in our appearance. Time is never truly set aside to recognise the strengths and good qualities that we already have...in this present moment. 

Perception can be based on a number of factors such as: your actions, words, dress sense, attitude, morals, religion to name but a few. Sometimes the perception of others may not exactly match the type of character you are as judgements can be made based on the qualities you portray. 

To stand as someone strong and very confident is exactly how you will be taken . This becomes the perceivers reality as it influences their actions and thoughts towards you. Your name will be signified as someone who is in control of their life and knows their own self worth which builds a positive perception. 

However in some circumstances, a negative image can be built towards you based on someone else's pre conception. For example, if you were to provide poorly structured answers during an interview you are more than likely to be perceived as the wrong material fir the company. This in fact may not be the case as you may have been well prepared but simply nervous which as a result effected your answers delivery. Your reality however now becomes based on the interviewers perception of you, determining whether or not you get the job.

Although how others judge you is not everything, how you are perceived is a big deal. It can widen opportunities and attract certain people towards you. It is very important to think about how you choose to promote yourself in this world. Take the time to self reflect and think about all the good qualities you pocess...once we nourish our abilities we can continue to grow.

It's time to move onward and upwards to better things and flourish into being the best version of ourselves! Perception is reality.

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